Hello! My name is Mike, and I’m a purple belt out of San Diego. I've been training BJJ since 2015 and started helping with the kids classes at my gym around late 2016. (working with kids has been the most influential part to my progression, but I'll save that for another post!)

Back in 2017 one of my student’s parents asked me, “Coach Mike, is there a BJJ card game?“ After doing some research, we couldn’t find anything. Since then I have been working to see what one would look like and its finally here! I wanted to simulate the strategy and thought process that goes on when we train. A lot of new students get caught up with smash and squeeze without thinking about why they are doing so. I wanted something to change that. With Combatch, we play cards to transition between the positions of BJJ (broken down into Full Guard, Half Guard, Side Control, Mount and the Back) while trying to land a Submission card. Each card has colored numbers on top to show the positions it can be played from and a power level determine which cards beat which. Players need to think steps ahead to get the better of their opponent. It has been a fun and rewarding experience! Let me know what you think :)


Talk to me about anything!
